A Quest for Volunteers

Ah, the Glades shopping center, where dreams are bought and sold alongside discounted socks and the occasional pretzel. But on Saturday, February 24th, it was a hub of something different, something inspiring – the Volunteering Fair orchestrated by the wonderful folks at Community Links Bromley. And guess who was there, amid the hustle and bustle, waving our quirky flag high? Yep, none other than Quest!

Now, for those of you who aren't familiar with Quest, let me paint you a picture. We're the ragtag team on a mission, fueled by passion and the occasional happy meal. Our aim? To make a positive impact on the world, one adventure at a time. And this volunteering fair? Well, it was our latest escapade.

Picture this: our trusty stall set up amidst a sea of eager shoppers, flyers fluttering like confetti in the air. Our fearless leader, Mercedes, at the helm, armed with enthusiasm and a slight aversion to paperwork (we've all been there, Mercedes, no judgment). Our mission? To spread the word about Quest and hopefully snag a few kind souls willing to lend a hand behind the scenes.

But here's the kicker – paperwork may not be Mercedes' forte, but rallying the troops? Now, that's where she shines. And shine she did, as Questies (that's what we affectionately call ourselves) popped by to offer moral support or even volunteer an hour of their time to hold down the fort while Mercedes indulged in a well-deserved happy meal break. Because let's face it, even superheroes need to refuel.

As the day unfolded, we found ourselves in awe of the incredible organizations surrounding us, each one a beacon of hope in the community. From Scouts to St John’s, the spectrum of goodwill was vast and heartwarming. It was a reminder that even in the chaos of everyday life, there are those who selflessly give their time and energy to make the world a brighter place.

And to Community Links Bromley, the masterminds behind this fantastic event, we offer our sincerest thanks. Without their hard work and dedication, none of this would have been possible. They're the unsung heroes behind the scenes, orchestrating moments of connection and community spirit.

So, what's next for Quest, you ask? Well, armed with newfound volunteers and a belly full of happy meal joy, we're ready to tackle whatever adventure comes our way. Because when you have a team like ours – quirky, passionate, and fueled by the occasional fast-food fix – anything is possible.

Until next time, fellow adventurers. Stay quirky, stay passionate, and never underestimate the power of a Happy Meal.


A word from Hunter…


The BBC!